
Pull back from the edge

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Pull back from the edge

  • The tragic death of a 21-year-old IIT Guwahati student, shortly after another student’s suicide at the institute, underscores an urgent public health crisis.

Suicide: A looming public health crisis

  • According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 1.71 lakh people died by suicide in India in 2022.
  • This translates to a rate of 12.4 per 1,00,000 individuals, the highest ever recorded in the country.
  • Globally, 7,26,000 people died by suicide, indicating the gravity of the issue worldwide.

Conventional Suicide Prevention Models

  • Historically, suicide prevention has focused on individual risk factors such as
    • Family history
    • Mental illness
    • Substance abuse (drugs and alcohol)
  • While individual-focused strategies are important, they overlook the broader social and economic factors contributing to suicide rates.

India’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy (2022)

  • This strategy outlines three primary objectives
    • Establishing suicide surveillance mechanisms.
    • Creating psychiatric outpatient departments for suicide prevention services.
    • Integrating mental well-being education into institutions.
  • It fails to account for the role played by social determinants in exacerbating tendencies for self-harm. These include
    • Macroeconomic policies
    • Healthcare access
    • Social and cultural values
    • Commercial factors (alcohol and firearm industries)

The Need for Broader Policy Interventions

  • Suicide prevention should be considered on a larger scale, relying not just on targeted interventions
  • Broader social policies, such as poverty reduction and housing support, may be crucial in addressing the underlying causes of suicide.
  • In the US, a study showed that a one-dollar increase in the minimum wage between 2006 and 2016 reduced annual suicide deaths by 8,000.

Call for Comprehensive Solutions

  • The magnitude of the problem demands innovative and inclusive government policies to address the diverse factors leading to suicide.
  • A holistic approach is necessary to ensure that vulnerable populations are not left behind in suicide prevention efforts.
