
Cheetah Reintroduction in Kuno National Park: A Milestone for Biodiversity

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Cheetah Reintroduction in Kuno National Park: A Milestone for Biodiversity

Kuno National Park- Located in Madhya Pradesh, established as a wildlife sanctuary in 1981, declared a national park in 2018.
- Spread across Sheopur and Morena districts.
- Habitat for cheetahs relocated from Namibia and South Africa.
Cheetah Relocation- Cheetah Reintroduction Project launched on 17th September 2022 to restore cheetah population in India, extinct since 1952.
- Implemented by NTCA, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department, Wildlife Institute of India, and experts from Namibia and South Africa.
Recent Event- On 17th March 2025, a female cheetah and her four cubs were released in Kuno National Park.
- Total cheetahs in KNP now 26, including 14 cubs born in India.
Importance- Strengthens ecosystem, revives grassland ecosystem, benefits other species.
- Conserves biodiversity, establishes balance in the food chain.
- Increases tourism, creates employment opportunities, boosts local economy.
